Posts Tagged ‘hunt trophy animals’

Texas Slaughter House

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Capitalism thrives in Texas, at the cost of endangered antelope. $50,000.00 buys you an exotic endangered animal.

(CBS News)

You don’t have to go to Africa to hunt exotic animals. In fact, Texas may have more of some endangered exotics than live in the wild. That’s because breeding them is a billion dollar business in Texas, where over 100 species roam large ranches and can be hunted for sport. The hunters, and the ranchers they pay to hunt the trophy animals, both say that the money generated by hunting these animals is helping to save them. They claim only 10 percent of any species can be killed annually. But to animal rights people fighting to shut them down, they’re nothing more than slaughter houses. (Lara Logan reported on this little known practice on “60 Minutes” Sunday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.)
