Eye Help Animals, LLC ∫ Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission
We promote and support wildlife conservation and habitat preservation
through awareness, education, and by donating 25% of all profits
to wildlife and habitat protection organizations worldwide.
Our Vision
We see a world where abundant wildlife is the foundation of a healthy planet. Celebrating biodiversity and caring for all of earth's creatures is our common bond to this precious planet where we all live. National and political agendas tend to ignore the fact that we are one world and as such all people are dependent upon the same resources. This is why we support organizations worldwide whose focus is protecting and preserving wildlife and habitat. The way we see it, we are one world, one family, and the survival of planet earth is the responsibility of each and every person.
Saving wildlife together!
DJ Geribo and Jim Fontaine, cofounders
Eye Help Animals, LLC

Copyright © 2008-2025 Eye Help Animals, LLC